Bevrijding Dieteren WWII

In memory of those who fought for our freedom
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Trooper John Isaiah Partoon:

8th King's Royal Irish Hussars R.A.C.
1923 in Walsall, Engeland.
20 januari 1945
Nederweert III.B.7

John Isaiah Partoon werd geboren 1923 in Walsall, Staffordshire, Engeland als zoon van Francis Charles Partoon(1889-1954) en Mary Edith Partoon (née Beeson 1890-1968). John Isaiah Partoon had 2 zussen en 3 broers.
John Isaiah Partoon diende onder nummer 14302016 bij de 8th King's Royal Irish Hussars R.A.C. Deze laatste afkorting staat voor “Royal Armoured Corps”. Hij sneuvelde tijdens inzet in de regio Schilberg-Hingen-Sint Joost op 20 januari 1945 waarna hij werd begraven op de tijdelijke militaire begraafplaats in Dieteren. Op 26 september 1946 werd hij herbegraven op de War Cemetery in Nederweert.

John Isaiah Partoon als soldaat. Met dank aan:/Thanks to: Elaine Frances King/John Ashmore

Drie broers als soldaat, John Isaiah Partoon te midden van zijn broers Dennis Charles en Frank Victor.
Met dank aan:/Thanks to: Elaine Frances King/John Ashmore

Dennis Charles en John Isaiah Partoon. Met dank aan:/Thanks to: Elaine Frances King/John Ashmore

Hieronder een verslag “War Diary” van deze eenheid rond de tijd dat hij sneuvelde op 20 januari 1945.

Part from War Diary 8th Hussars
12 january 1945
At 0900hrs HQ Sqn moved to KRAWINKEL The sabre Sqns following at half-hourly intervals. RHQ was set up at 659647.
13 january 1945
Maintenance and rest in Div res. Baths were organised at the nearby coalmine.
14 january 1945
Maintenance and rest in Div res. Tanks and scout cars were whitewashed to serve as camouflage in snow. This proved effective in practice. At 1700hrs the C.O. held a confce at which he gave further details of the coming Corps offensive.
15 january 1945
Maintenance and rest in Div res. At 1100hrs the C.O. gave out detailed verbal orders the main points of which were embodied in 8H Operation Order No15 (See Appx)
8H O.O. No 15
Appx. D3
16 january 1945
The attack by 131 Bde on SUSTEREN and DIETEREN 6776 which had been postponed from the previous night commenced at first light. The C.O. therefore was enabled to brief the Sqns during the morning.
The remainder of the day was spent in maintenance and rest.
17 january 1945
Maintenance and rest.
18 january 1945
maintenance and rest. 8H was ready to move at one hour’s notice.
19 january 1945
Although 131 Bde had secured the area SCHILBURG 7079, HINGEN 7080, ECHT 6979 8H received no orders to move. The day was spent in maintenance and rest
20 january 1945
At first light the C.O. with “A” and “C” Sqn Leaders went to HQ 1 R Tks at SCHILBERG and then proceeded to recce area HINGEN 7180, SINT JOOST 7181. The enemy’s withdrawal had been skilfully conducted and it was evident that he intended to impose the maximum delay on our adv.
To this end he was still holding the village of SINT JOOST with its vital crossings over the KROM BEEK. His strength was estimated at one Coy. At 1000 the C.O. met the Brigadier 22 Armd Bde and immediately afterwards ordered 8H to move to SCHILBERG at 1100hrs.
The task of clearing SINT JOOST and seizing the brs fell to I Coy 1 RB with “C” Sqn in sp.
The attack began at 1430hrs but from the start met with opposition from determined inf and skilfully sited SP guns. So exposed was our right that it was possible for the enemy to knock-out two tanks of “C” Sqn reserve tp on the rd SCHILBERG – HINGEN. Our inf with one tp of tanks in close sp made some progress in SINT JOOST and prisoners identified two coys of PARA REGT HUBNER, last located further NORTH.
Our own inf casualties were heavy in the house-to-house fighting and the attack was held up short of the rd junc 716808. Meanwhile two secs of the Recce tp with one tp “A” Sqn in sp had crossed the KROM BEEK at HINGEN making for the main rd to the NE. Enemy SPs in the wood 7280 prevented progress and one Stuart tk was knocked out. At last light a new plan was made. 9 DLI was to attack through I Coy 1 RB at approx 0030hrs and “C” Sqn was to remain in sp. The “A” Sqn tp and Recce secs EAST of the KROM BEEK were withdrawn to area 720800 and a pl of 9 DLI sent to support them for the night.
21 january 1945
The attack by 9 DLI made little progress and suffered hy casualties, “C” Sqn in sp lost one tk to an SP gun but knocked out the gun itself. Approx 34 PW had been taken, and from statements made it appeared that a third Coy had arrived to reinforce the garrison.
It was decided to resume the attack at approx 1000hrs with 9 DLI and C Coy 1 RB adv in bounds through the village. I Coy 1 RB was withdrawn and “C” Sqn relieved by “B” Sqn, who were to support the operation by fire from the area 72184 and from the main NORTH - SOUTH rd WEST of SINT JOOST.Before they were withdrawn the “A” Sqn tp EAST of the KROM BEEK lost two tanks to the roving SPs in the woods NORTH of them.
The 9 DLI attack again made slow progress and by midday it was held up short of the enemy strongpoint 715808. In the afternoon however “B” Sqn tanks proceeded to knock down house after house with their shells, flamethrowers were brought into operation and the br 717808 taken. An enemy wireless intercept revealed that the German comd was begging for permission to withdraw and signs of withdrawal were reported towards last light. It was decided to complete mopping up operations on 22 Jan, and at the same time send recce patrols to brs 747809 and 734820.
22 january 1945
At first light two secs of Recce Tp worked up to the rd STEIL 7181 – MONTFORT and at approx 1030hrs reported the br 734820 blown.
Two tps of “A” Sqn on the route to the SOUTH took longer to reach their obj but found on arrival that br 747809 was also blown, as was br 749806. They were ordered to remain in observation until relieved by 5 DG whose task it was to capture MONTFORT. Meanwhile the northern PORTION of SINT JOOST was entered unopposed. 8H was ordered to concentrate in the gen area of SCHILBERG and came into Div res.

“Death Notice” in een Engelse krant. Met dank aan:/Thanks to: Elaine Frances King/John Ashmore

First lines from the article of the Walsall Observer from 6 september 1952. Met dank aan:/Thanks to: David Evans from Walsall Wood

Name listed of Partoon J.I. in the article of the Walsall Observer from 6 september 1952. Met dank aan:/Thanks to: David Evans from Walsall Wood

Enige jaren geleden is bij St. Joost een herdenkingsmonument opgericht voor de aldaar gesneuvelde soldaten.
Ook John Isaiah Partoon staat hierop vermeld.

Memorial in Sint Joost.

Name listed of Partoon J.I. on memorial in Sint Joost.

Grafmonument op War Cemetery in Nederweert.

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